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South Carolina Marriage Records

South Carolina Public Records /South Carolina Marriage Records

Are Marriage Records Public in South Carolina?

Yes, marriage records are public in South Carolina. According to the South Carolina Public Records Act, these records are considered public and can be accessed by anyone.

What Is Included in Marriage Record in South Carolina?

A marriage record in South Carolina typically includes essential information about the marriage. This includes the full names of the individuals getting married, their ages, dates of birth, occupations, and places of residence at the time of marriage. Additionally, the marriage record will include the date and location of the marriage ceremony, as well as the names of the witnesses or officiants present.

How To Get Marriage Records in South Carolina in 2024

To obtain marriage records in South Carolina in 2024, there are several options available. Here are the different methods you can use to access these records:

  • Online: South Carolina provides an online portal where you can search for and request marriage records. The online platform allows you to search for records by the names of the individuals involved or by the date of the marriage. If the records you are looking for are available online, this can be a convenient and efficient way to obtain them.

  • In Person: Another option is to visit the vital records office in person. The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control maintains a vital records office where you can request marriage records. You will need to fill out an application form and provide the necessary identification and fees. The office is typically open during regular business hours, and staff will assist you in locating and obtaining the records you need.

  • By Mail: If you prefer, you can also request marriage records by mail. You will need to download the appropriate application form from the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control website and complete it with the required information. Enclose the form, along with the necessary identification and payment, and mail it to the address provided on the website. It is important to include all the required documents and fees to ensure a smooth processing of your request.

  • Third-Party Websites: Additionally, there are third-party websites that offer access to public records, including marriage records. These websites may require a fee for their services and may provide additional search options and features. However, it is important to exercise caution when using third-party websites and ensure that they are reputable and reliable sources of information.

By utilizing these methods, you can obtain marriage records in South Carolina in 2024. Whether you choose to search online, visit the vital records office, or request records by mail, it is important to follow the specified procedures and provide the necessary information and fees to ensure a successful request.

Lookup Marriage Records in South Carolina