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Dillon County South Carolina Arrest Records

Are Arrest Records Public in Dillon County, South Carolina?

Yes, arrest records are public in Dillon County, South Carolina. According to the public record act, these records are available for public request from various government agencies at the federal, state, and county levels. This includes law enforcement agencies such as the local Police Department, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Dillon County Court.

How to Find Arrest Records in Dillon County, South Carolina in 2024

To obtain arrest records in Dillon County, South Carolina in 2024, you can follow these steps:

  1. Visit the website of the Dillon County Fourth Judicial Circuit Court Records at This website allows you to search the court roster by court agency, roster type, and date.

  2. Another resource to search for arrest records is the Dillon County Fourth Judicial Circuit Court Records website at Here, you can search public records by court type, agency, case number, and case type.

Please note that these resources are third-party websites that provide access to Dillon County arrest records. It is important to use caution and ensure the reliability of the information obtained.

Police Departments in Dillon County, South Carolina

  • Dillon County Police Department: 401 W Main St, Dillon, SC 29536, (843) 774-0040
  • Latta Police Department: 107 E Main St, Latta, SC 29565, (843) 752-4718

Lookup Arrest Records in Dillon County, South Carolina