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Colleton County South Carolina Court Records

Are Court Records Public in Colleton County, South Carolina?

Yes, court records are public in Colleton County, South Carolina. According to the public record act, court records are considered public documents and are available for public inspection and copying. This means that any member of the public has the right to access and obtain court records in Colleton County.

The public record act recognizes the importance of transparency and accountability in the judicial system. By allowing public access to court records, it promotes trust and confidence in the administration of justice. It also ensures that the public can exercise their rights to access information and participate in the legal process.

How to Find Court Records in Colleton County, South Carolina in 2024

To obtain court records in Colleton County, South Carolina in 2024, there are several options available. One way is to visit the Colleton County Clerk of Court's office in person and request the records you need. The clerk's office is responsible for maintaining and providing access to court records.

Another option is to search for court records online. The Colleton County Public Index website provides an online search tool where you can access court records electronically. This allows for convenient and efficient access to court records from the comfort of your own home or office.

It's important to note that not all court records may be available online. Some records may only be accessible in person at the clerk's office. In such cases, you may need to visit the office and request the records you need.

Courts in Colleton County, South Carolina

If you need to visit a courthouse in Colleton County, South Carolina, here are the courthouses located in the county:

  • Colleton County Courthouse: 101 Hampton Street, Walterboro, SC 29488, Phone: (843) 549-5791
  • Colleton County Family Court: 101 Hampton Street, Walterboro, SC 29488, Phone: (843) 549-5791
  • Colleton County Probate Court: 101 Hampton Street, Walterboro, SC 29488, Phone: (843) 549-5791
  • Colleton County Magistrate Court (Walterboro): 101 Hampton Street, Walterboro, SC 29488, Phone: (843) 549-5791
  • Colleton County Magistrate Court (Cottageville): 10969 Cottageville Highway, Cottageville, SC 29435, Phone: (843) 835-5129

Please note that the phone numbers provided are for reference purposes and may be subject to change. It's advisable to verify the contact information before visiting the courthouses.

Lookup Court Records in Colleton County, South Carolina

If you are looking to access specific court records in Colleton County, South Carolina, you can use the following links:

Please note that these links are provided for informational purposes and may be subject to change. It's advisable to verify the links before accessing the court records.