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Horry County South Carolina Court Records

Are Court Records Public in Horry County, South Carolina?

Yes, court records are public in Horry County, South Carolina. According to the public record act, court records are considered to be public information. This means that they are accessible to the general public, allowing individuals to obtain information about past court cases, legal proceedings, and judicial decisions.

The public record act in Horry County, South Carolina recognizes the importance of transparency and accountability in the judicial system. By making court records available to the public, it ensures that the legal process remains open and transparent. This allows individuals to have access to important information that can help them understand the legal system, track legal proceedings, and ensure fairness and justice.

Public access to court records also promotes trust and confidence in the judicial system. It allows individuals to verify the accuracy of court decisions and ensures that the legal system is held accountable for its actions. By having access to court records, members of the public can review past cases, study legal precedents, and gain a better understanding of the legal landscape in Horry County, South Carolina.

How to Find Court Records in Horry County, South Carolina in 2024

To obtain court records in Horry County, South Carolina in 2024, there are several options available. One way to access court records is through online platforms. The Horry County Public Index website provides a convenient online search tool that allows individuals to search for court records by case number, party name, or attorney name. This online platform provides access to a wide range of court records, including civil, criminal, and family court records.

In addition to the online platform, individuals can also visit the physical courthouses in Horry County to access court records. The courthouses in Horry County are equipped with public access terminals where individuals can search for and obtain court records. It is important to note that some court records may not be available online and may only be accessible in person at the courthouses.

When searching for court records, it is important to have specific information about the case, such as the case number, party name, or attorney name, to facilitate the search process. This ensures that individuals can locate the desired court records efficiently and effectively.

Courts in Horry County, South Carolina

  • Horry County Judicial Center: 1301 2nd Ave, Conway, SC 29526, Phone: (843) 915-5080
  • Horry County Family Court: 1301 2nd Ave, Conway, SC 29526, Phone: (843) 915-5080
  • Horry County Magistrate Court: 1201 2nd Ave, Conway, SC 29526, Phone: (843) 915-5070

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